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Short course training

In our game world, you can build houses and cities, explore caves, evolve, extract food, to hunt, to fish and defend yourself from spiders, skeletons, zombies, and predators. You can use the explosives. By boat, you can cross water obstacles. You can lay the rails and move around using the trolley. Wolf can be tamed and it will be obedient as a dog. You can play alone, you can play on public servers, and you can play by a network with your friends.

Game installation   


Our game is absolutely safe. There are no viruses in the game. It is constantly checked and tested. There native "non-Android" code, on C ++, this is the game engine itself and antivirus programs can mistakenly react to it. Disable the anti-virus program of your device at the time of installing the game to prevent false positives protection.

To properly install MobileCraft, close other active applications using the Application Manager, clear the device’s RAM. If the game does not boot, reboot your device, remove it, and then install the game again.

When you first start the game, when there will be a system request, allow the game "access to photos, multimedia, and files on your device." This is now a requirement from GOOGLE PLAY. In fact, this is the permission for the game's software engine to use the media files of the game itself - textures, images and sounds that are loaded into your device when you install the game. Also, allow "access to your location" - your approximate location is needed to properly configure the language and updates.

The game menu (Fig. 1) is available immediately after the start of the game. During the game, you can go to the menu by pressing "Back"          device button and selecting "Save and Exit". If you press "Close game", you get out of the game, saving the results in the world from which you left.

Fig. 1


"Single Player" (Fig. 1, p. 1)

The game world World 1... World 5 Flat (flat world) can be selected using the green strip (Fig. 1, n. 2). You can create your world - click "New"(Fig. 1, n. 5), enter the letters (only in LATIN LETTERS) or numbers in the field "World name"  and click "Create". You can also remove any world - like the one that you created, so and that is preset by the game itself. To do this, select the world using the green strip, click "Delete" (Fig. 1, n. 4), in the next field - "Yes".


Creative mode  - put the tick in the game menu in the small box "Creative mode" (Fig. 1, n. 3), that in the lower left corner. Click "Play" (Fig. 1, n. 6). In this mode, you are immortal, you do not need to control the level of life, do not need to control the reserve of food,  do not need to create (crafting) anything - in the inventory a complete set of all necessary items. 

"Survival" mode - remove the tick in the game menu in the small box "Creative mode" (Fig. 1, n. 3), that in the lower left corner. Click "Play" (Fig. 1, n. 6). You have in the reserve one sword and a few torches (Fig. 2, n. 7). Hearts show the level of life (Fig. 2, n. 6), chicken feet - the reserve of food (Fig. 2, n. 8).

Fig. 2


Flight  is possible in all modes. Double arrow in the right - "Up" (Fig. 2, n. 9), beneath it - the arrow  "Down" (Fig. 2, n. 10). To deactivate the flight, only to jump, fast double click the "Up" button (Fig. 2, n. 9).


The movement  back and forth, left and right carried using the joystick (Fig. 2, n. 5). Slow motion is achieved by simultaneously pressing any of the joystick (Fig. 2, n. 5) and "Down" buttons (Fig. 2, n. 10).

Inventory  is available by clicking on the icon (Fig. 2, p. 11), which is in the lower right corner, the exit from the inventory screen is a cross in the upper right corner.


To throw anything, take it in the arm from the stock (Fig. 2, n. 7) and click the icon (Fig. 2, n. 4), that at the right in the middle.

Binoculars (Fig. 2, p. 1) are needed to enable long-distance viewing to increase the range, but it requires a lot of resources on your device and can slow down the application.


If your device has a weak graphics accelerator or a weak RAM memory (less than 1024Mb), possible slowdown in work, jerks when movement or even crash the game. Please close the other active applications by using the "Application manager", clear memory of your device,  and disable the long-distance viewing in the game using Binoculars icon (Fig. 2, n. 1).

Map (Fig. 2, n. 2) can enable an increased viewing in the area of the round segment at the top of the right, another click includes infrared radar of the depth.

Coordinates (Fig. 2, n. 0) in the upper left corner. If you "died" in the "survival", remember these coordinates, and if you again enter into the world, you can find all the lost property in the place where the game was over.

Chat (Fig. 2, n. 3) in the single-player mode allows you to enter some gaming commands. If you use chat in the different modes of network game (see "Multi-Player" and "Create Server"), you can chat with other players.

SOME TIPS for a single game:

- to separate the units in inventory, take the unit in the hand and simultaneously touch the two cells fingers. Insert half of the stack. Click on another cell and  insert the other half;


- in the "Creative mode", all the materials are in inventory. In the "Survival" mode, all the materials can be obtained by breaking blocks. To destroy the blocks, you have to hit them several times, pressing a finger on the block. Try different types of instruments;


- ready trolley and the rails are in the inventory in the "Creative mode". In the inventory after the bottle of potion before the rails, in the cell is the texture of trolley. Place the unit with the rails where you want to lead the way. Put the trolley on the rails. Quickly double-click inside the trolley  - and you sit in it. Click by the trolley - and it will move. Once again, quickly double-click inside the trolley  - and you will come out of it;


- put the boat into the water and quickly double-click inside - and you are sitting. Operate by the joystick. Once again, quickly double-click inside the boat - and you will come out of it;


- take flint and to strike. This way you will be able to burn everything off;


- put TNT-explosives and strike from above - to activate explosives;


- put the coal to the bottom of the furnace, and put the sand in the upper part, wait a few seconds - and get the substance-glass. Put  the coal to the bottom of the furnace, and put the food in the upper part, a couple of seconds - and the food is ready;


- take a torch, place it on the surface and it will burn;


- put the bed and double click on the bed - a start to the new day, or type command in the Chat: "/ time 6000";


- instead of red stone, we have a complete analog - blue stone. This is due to copyright protection;


- some of the things and objects that are in the desktop version of the original game are the property of other developers, and we respect the copyrights of others. So, we simply can not use them. This, for example, portals, skins, Creeper, Endermen and more;


- find the pond, take the fishing rod in hand and to strike. The stock of fish will increase;     


- take a bow in the hand ( the arrows should be in the stock) and to strike - the arrow will fly;


- to eat, you must be in "Survival" mode,  when the stock of food is little empty. You need to take the food in your hand and to hit;


- sometimes does not come across trees or mobs in the game world long time. To find them, you need a lot of walking, or fly and, enabling the far viewing for rendering in the game (Binoculars), and you need exploring the area;


- to tame the wolf, need take raw the meat in your hand and  twice quickly hit wolf the first time - he typed forces, then  twice hit a second time. And for the third time twice hit the wolf, and this wolf will obey like a dog;


- the diamonds are in the chests;


- with the help of blue dust you can activate various mechanisms; also you can use pistons;


- do everything as in the game for the PC. Recipes, like make "crafting", you can search on the Internet - a lot of them.


Do not forget, Android - mobile platform, has many limitations compared to a PC. Many things that you can not make in the "Survival", is already in the "Creative mode" in Inventory. Going to meet the wishes of many players, we have made it possible to switch modes during the game via the game menu (Fig. 1), to take the necessary thing (for example, a bow and arrows, fishing tackle; trolley; the eggs of animals, armor and TD) in the "Creative mode" and return with them in the "Survival".

"Multiplayer" (Fig. 1, n. 7)

If   You   want   to   play   with   someone on the Internet on public servers, enable  "Multiplayer" (Fig. 1, p. 7) in the game menu.

Enter data:  name (Fig. 3, n. 2),  password (Fig. 3, n. 3), select any server, click "Connect"(Fig. 3, n. 4). Check: the server is active and selected by  green stripe  (Fig. 3, n. 1); the internet connections is correct; the name and password come up with themselves for this server, entered them by LATIN letters only and they must be different.

Fig. 3


Be sure to remember your username, password, and the name of the selected server! Otherwise, you will not to sign to this server from your device ! This is invented not by us, but by the owners of the servers.


     When playing on public servers possible a variety of problems and ambiguities.


"Create Server" (Fig. 1, n. 8)

If You want to play with a friend on a local network, select "Create Server" (Fig.1, n. 8).

Select the world (Fig. 4, n. 6, 7, 8), mode (Fig.4, n. 2) also as well in a single game. Notice, here possible Inventory in the "Survival"  also as in the "Creativity Mode". To do this, use the checkbox "Creative Inventory" (Fig. 4, n. 1). Enter your information: name (Fig. 4, n. 3), password (Fig. 4, n. 4) in LATIN letters and they have to differ. Click "Start game" (Fig. 4, n. 9). When the server turns on, tell your friend the following data: "server Port" (Fig. 4, n. 5) and IP address of Your device on the network. The IP address can be found in the phone settings under "about device", under "status".


Your friend let him customize "Multiplayer" on own device : in the tab "Multiplayer"(Fig. 1, n. 7)  in the tab "Address"(Fig. 3, n. 5)  enter the IP address of Your device on the network, and "Port"(Fig. 3, n. 6)  - is Your "server Port" (Fig. 4, n. 5). Fig. 3,n. 1 do not need to choose; n. 2, n. 3 and n. 4 is as described above.

Fig. 4

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